Thursday, November 10, 2011

Re: History will soon repeat itself, let's hope not!

As I was scanning through some of my classmates’ blogs, I found a great article Phi Tran wrote about our government’s unnecessary and excessive spending.  Despite America already being in debt, the careless government still continues to spend our tax dollars unreasonably.  Our country is ahead in technological advancements; however, it is more in debt than ever before.  Instead of bringing the economy up, the nation will always be held back and unable to move on to progress. 
Tran provides an excellent example of how irrational the spending has gotten.  For instance, the government spent a total of 1.3 trillion dollars on the F-35 aircraft fleet which is still on-going.  As a result, other productive programs like universal healthcare could not be made possible.  Our government constantly pays for products and services it never gets, wildly overpays companies to do things it could do itself, loses money due to lax accounting and oversight, and fails to collect what it’s owed.  The federal government just fritters away all of our hard-earned tax dollars. Furthermore, Tran makes an obvious point that we have to think ahead for the future of our society.  As of our nation’s current financial standings, a depression would most likely be in our cards. In turn, taxes would tremendously rise and the lives of the U.S. citizens would no longer be the same anymore.
The main reason why I find this article very compelling is through the strong tone of the author.  Tran gives a very adamant and outspoken point of view which I wholeheartedly agree with.  

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